Counseling Center

The Sagemont Counseling Center seeks to be “living proof of a loving God to a watching world” by providing soul-care in a Christ-like manner. Our goal is to demonstrate that Sagemont Church is a “safe place” to those who hurt by offering care-giving resources that meet the emotional and spiritual needs of church members and the community.

We are committed to providing care from a Christ-centered and biblically-based perspective. We recognize the Word of God as the ultimate source of truth, and endorse and utilize only those psychological principles and techniques that are compatible with the Scripture.

We are pleased that you have chosen Sagemont to receive counseling services. In order for you to make a fully informed decision about utilizing our services, we’d like to share some information about us, and what we do in counseling. Each one of our counselors is a highly trained professional in fields such as theology, psychology, counseling, marriage & family therapy, and pastoral counseling. The following information provides a brief description of our counseling philosophy as well as an explanation regarding the nature of our professional relationship.

We consider ourselves to be Christian counselors. As such, in addition to being clinically professional, our counseling approach is Christ-centered and biblically based. While we meet and accept people, where they are, spiritually, we seek to involve God in the therapeutic process. Therefore, one of our primary goals is to encourage people to establish, develop or enhance a meaningful relationship with Him as they engage in counseling.

Unfortunately, Christians are not immune from emotional pain, and some problems are too big to handle alone. Through the years, we have helped thousands of people just like you walk through many of life’s most difficult situations, including:

  • Prolonged depression and hopelessness
  • Serious marital conflicts and dissatisfaction
  • Severe anxiety and acute stress
  • Unhealthy relationships and emotional abuse
  • Troubled adolescents and children
  • Out-of-control drinking and substance abuse
  • Compulsive sexual behavior and pornography
  • Devastating sexual and physical abuse
  • Toxic guilt or shame and spiritual abuse
  • Chronic anger and resentment
  • Debilitating grief and loss

Our mission is to facilitate the creation of a “healing community” in which Sagemont Church promotes the following:

  • Marriage and family enrichment
  • Spiritual growth and biblical discipleship
  • Personal healing and lasting recovery
  • Emotional, relational, and spiritual “wellness”
  • Equipping of the saints for care-giving ministry and service
  • Training and development of Christian counselors
  • Ministry to staff members and their families
  • Reconciliation and unity within marriages, families, and the church
  • Evangelism and community outreach

Each of our counselors is a highly trained professional in fields such as theology, psychology, counseling, marriage and family therapy, and pastoral counseling. Our counseling approach is Christ-centered, and each counselor is committed to integrating their faith into their practice. Therefore, the Sagemont Counseling Center is both clinically professional and distinctively Christian.

Making an Appointment


Regular administrative office hours are 8:30am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. A limited number of evening and Saturday appointments are also available with select counselors. To schedule a counseling appointment or for more information, please call us at 281.481.7133. Our administrative staff will help you find the counselor who best meets your needs.


Our goal is to make professional counseling accessible to everyone.  Sagemont Church members are eligible to receive counseling at a significantly reduced cost.  Clients who are not Sagemont members are charged a fee that is substantially lower than those typically found in the community.


11339 Hughes Rd.
Houston, TX 77089

The Counseling Center is conveniently located away from the main campus of Sagemont Church for confidentiality purposes. Our Counseling Center is located at 11339 Hughes Road (tan 2 story building). Parking and entrance to the building are both located at the rear/back of the building. Additional parking is available across the street.

After Hours Clients: There is NO receptionist on duty after 5 PM. After entering the waiting room, please ring the bell on the counter and be seated in the waiting room. Your counselor will be with you as quickly as possible.

Marriage Preparation Program

Because of our commitment to the sacredness of Christian marriage, every engaged couple, who requests the use of Sagemont Church for their wedding ceremony, and/or desires a Sagemont Church minister to perform the ceremony, is expected to satisfactorily complete a pre-marital counseling program.

 More Info

Why? Because pre-marriage counseling really does work.  Research conclusively demonstrates that couples who participate in an equipping program are far more likely to maintain successful marriages, by heading off destructive patterns that often lead to divorce. In fact, studies show, couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they have engaged in pre-marriage training before they marry.

Sagemont Counseling Center has created a comprehensive “Marriage Preparation Program” (MPP) designed to offer the kind of pertinent information, strategic resources and effective skills that are necessary to build and maintain a high-quality marriage.

The MPP consists of 4-6 sessions and can be adapted to the needs of each couple. Core components include:

  • Feedback from a highly informative standardized assessment tool called SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
  • A minimum of four individualized counseling sessions that will help couples:
  • Explore relationship strengths as well as potential areas for growth
  • Identify, understand, and appreciate personality differences
  • Strengthen positive communication patterns, including assertiveness and listening skills
  • Establish the conflict resolution skills tools vital for a fulfilling marriage
  • Examine relationship and “family of origin” dynamics that effect marital satisfaction
  • Prepare for healthy and satisfying emotional and physical intimacy
  • Create a workable budget and financial plan
  • Establish realistic and healthy marital expectations
  • Develop personal, couple, and family goals
  • Other selected resources, for the specific needs of each couple

Because of our commitment to promote healthy marriages, Sagemont Church subsidizes the fees of the MPP: 

  • Sagemont members, receive a discounted cost of $70 per session along with a one-time fee of $50 per couple for SYMBIS.
  • Non-members of Sagemont Church are charged the $90 per session and $50 for SYMBIS

Interested couples can contact the Sagemont Counseling Center at 281.481.7133, for further details, or to schedule an appointment. 

Support Groups

Divorce Care

Wednesday Evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm, Room WC1319

If you or someone you care about has been impacted by the trauma of divorce, we’ve designed a support group just for you. Experience the mutual encouragement, strength and healing that can come through a community of believers who can relate to just what you’re going through. Date ranges vary, see Events for the next scheduled dates.

Dementia Care Givers

Wednesday Evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm, Room WC1325

Family members and loved ones caring for the elderly / memory challenged. Resumes August 28, 2024

Untangling Relationships

Monday Evenings from 7pm - 8pm, Room WC1103 (no registration required)

Designed for people who need help in addressing the problems of strained & broken relationships, this support group provides a safe, supportive environment, in which to discuss rebuilding trust, setting healthy boundaries, & practicing authentic love. The cost is $15 & includes the book, Untangling Relationships.

Grief Share

Wednesday Evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm, Room WC1321

Have you experienced the death of a loved one? Do you feel time has stood still for you while daily life goes on for the rest of the world? Come and join others who can identify with what you’re going through. You’ll gain coping skills, find support & encouragement.

*Date ranges vary, see Events for the next scheduled dates.

Life Support

Wednesday Evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm, Room WC1323

Are the struggles of life weighing you down? You are not alone! It would be great if Christians were immune from life’s difficulties. Unfortunately, we are not! Many of us are facing personal, relational, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Consider joining facilitators, Sharon & James Hilliard, for this highly interactive and biblically based group designed to provide support, encouragement, strength, and hope as we seek to live the authentic Christian life.

Right Step

Monday (Christ-Centered 12-Step Program) and Wednesday (Addiction & Codependency recovery) from 7:30pm - 9pm, Sagemont Church Annex – Parlor Room

A Christ-centered 12-step program for those recovering from, or impacted by, chemical or co-dependency. If you, or someone you know, are struggling with the compulsive use of alcohol, drugs or other forms of substance abuse, this support group can provide the encouragement, strength and hope required for lasting sobriety. The supportive help for family members will also enhance progress, so take the first step by attending a Right Step meeting. You’ll be accepted right where you are. *Group meets every week.

Surviving the Holidays

Please call the Counseling Office at 281-481-7133 for more information. 

“Surviving the Holidays” is a Christ-centered grief support group. Facing the upcoming holidays after the death of a loved one can be more difficult than your friends and family members may realize. You will hear people share honestly about surprising emotions that may hit over the holidays, how to handle holiday parties and invitations, as well as how to survive potentially awkward moments with other people. This group will provide comfort, strength and hope as you share with others who’ve also lost a loved one.

Infidelity Survivors Anonymous – ISA

First Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm – 8pm, Room WC1103

A 12-step program for women only for overcoming infidelity. No registration required.

For more information, go to their website 


Please contact the Counseling Office at 281-481-7133 to obtain the forms needed to schedule an appointment.

Adults (all forms needed for your visit)
  • New Client Information
  • Intake Information
  • Symptom Checklist
  • Professional Service Agreement
Children (all forms needed for your visit)
  • New Client Information
  • Intake Information
  • Symptom Checklist
  • Parental-Guardian Consent Form
  • Professional Service Agreement
Formas En Español
Adultos (son necesarias todas las formas para su sita)
  • Información de Nuevo Cliente
  • Información de Admisión
  • Verificación de Síntomas
Niños y Adolescentes (son necesarias todas las formas para su sita)
  • Información de Nuevo Cliente
  • Información de Admisión
  • Verificación de Síntomas
  • Consentimiento de los Padres o Guardianes
Acuerdo de Servicios Profesionales
  • Virginia Lara

Topical Resources

Counseling Center

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Attention Deficit Disorder
Counseling Center

Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity John had been restless and hyperactive from early childhood. Funny and clownish, he was reinforced...


Video Resources

The Prodigal Sons - Part 1

The Prodigal Sons - Part 2

"Hope in the Midst of Fear"



Kendra Sullivan
Assistant Director of Counseling - LPC-S

office: 281.481.7133

Rhonda Brown
Manager of Counseling Office

office: 281.481.7133

Linda Boone
Professional Counselor - LPC-S

office: 281.481.7133

Ashley Kula
Professional Counselor - LPC

office: 281.481.7133

Virginia Lara
Professional Counselor - LPC-S, LMFT-S

office: 281.481.7133

Matt Lee
Professional Counselor - LPC

office: 281.481.7133

Baylee McMinn
Professional Counselor - LPC Associate | Supervisor: Kendra Sullivan

office: 281.481.7133

James Myers
Professional Counselor - LPC

office: 281.481.7133

Mary Jo Wood
Professional Counselor - LPC

office: 281.481.7133

Kent Atkinson
Graduate Practicum Student Intern | Supervisor: Kendra Sullivan