The Women’s Ministry is for every woman that walks in the doors of Sagemont Church. Daughters, mothers, sisters, wives, widows, friends – all joining together to worship our Lord and Savior!

We are here to serve, encourage and proclaim the Gospel to all women.

  • “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45 
  •  “Therefore; encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”  1 Thessalonians 5:11
  •  “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”  Mark 16:15

Join us as we grow and learn through Bible study, special events and service opportunities. Through these Christ-centered activities; we build lasting relationships with other amazing women that love the Lord. We are here for you and look forward to meeting you!

Bible Study Groups

The Women's Ministry desires that all women at Sagemont find places to connect with other women and to grow in the Lord. To assist in that goal, we have a number of weekday Bible Study groups available to fit your needs and schedules. Four groups meet in a fall/spring semester schedule, and three others meet during the summer


Designed to touch the lives of women with love and compassion as they grow toward a Christ-centered life. This ministry provides an organized weekly Bible study during the fall and spring. Tuesday mornings 9-11:30.


A small group inside Life Touch designed for women touched by children with special needs. Let us know when you register if you would like to be included in this group.

Women's Midweek

Designed to encourage women to grow through in-depth studies in a closer walk with the Lord and develop relationships with other women in a nighttime setting. Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm.

Mothering Matters

Motherhood is beautiful, life-changing and good but it’s also selfless, exhausting and hard. This community is a place where mothers can embrace both the hard and the good of motherhood. We will use spiritual truth from God. Tuesdays from 9:00am - 11:30am.

Summer Session

This group is designed to equip women through God's Word and fill in the gap when other studies are on "summer break." Tuesday mornings 9:00 - 11:30 AM.


This group is designed to equip women through God's Word and fill in the gap when other studies are on "summer break." Wednesday evenings 6:30 - 8:00 PM.

Being Mom

Being Mom is a summer group just for moms! Join us as we share in the joys and frustrations of being mom. We’ll study God’s Word and build community by growing together, encouraging each other and leaning on one another. We’ll also hear and gain wisdom from moms that are walking the road ahead of us. Come just as you are – being mom! Tuesday mornings from 9:00 – 11:30 AM.


Beside Mentoring

Our Beside Mentoring Program is designed to pair mature, experienced ladies with younger ladies for the purpose of walking through life together for a season, sharing wisdom and experience with those who desire this kind of mentoring relationship. New mentoring relationships are established (with training) once or twice per year. (Beside Resources)


A ministry that is designed to be the first touch by the Women's Ministry to our new women members. We are here to offer ideas, answer questions, and to get you assimilated into Sagemont Church.

Journey of Promise

The goal of Journey of Promise is to help women rebuild healthy and productive lives as they adjust to the changes created by the loss of their spouse. Each woman brings her own unique experience to support and encourage new widows beyond bereavement as they adjust to their new life and learn to live again.


Loving on our neighbors... right next door and around the world.

Special Events

Holiday Celebration

Our annual kickoff to the holidays! Held the first Monday evening in November, this is a time of celebration of our Savior's birth with a special guest speaker and musical entertainment.

Ladies Night Out

A time of fellowship and fun with a special musical guest and an inspirational speaker. Held on Monday evenings in January, April, and July.


Upcoming Events
