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Be on the lookout!  End of Year Giving Statements were mailed January 30.


Login below to access your online Contribution Statement. If you notice an error or have questions, please email .

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

We give because God is generous and He calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are and helps proclaim the Gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances. 

FISCAL YEAR 2024 - 2025

(As of March 9, 2025)
  • 14,126,792.21

    2024-25 Budget Giving ($)

  • 12,997,792.00

    2024-25 Budget Required ($)

  • +1,129,000.21

    2024-25 Difference ($)

Join the Story - Give Now

There are many ways to

Make a Difference

All contributions will be used exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with laws governing a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In accordance with these laws, we reserve the right to distribute all funds contributed to this church to the area of greatest need.

Have questions?

Check out our Giving FAQs

Where does the money I give go?

Every dollar given to the Sagemont Church budget contributes to missions and ministry here at home and around the world. VIEW THE BREAKDOWN of the current budget year, which begins April 1 annually.

Where can I see my online giving history?

Login using the Give Online link (CLICK), and you will see My Giving on the right side of the screen on a computer or at the bottom of the screen on a mobile device. If you would like to see all giving, including cash and check gifts, please contact the Finance Department at .

How do I request a year-end contribution statement?

Statements are emailed every year by January 31. If you have not received a statement by email, or if you do not have access to email or a printer, please contact the Finance Department at   or 281.481.7182.

How do I stop recurring giving?
Login using the Give Online link (CLICK), then select Recurring Gifts under the My Giving section at the right side of a computer screen or at the bottom of a mobile device. Locate the recurring gift and select the option in the "Stop" column. Once the recurring gift is stopped, you will see the date it was ended.
How do I change my credit card information/amount?
Login using the Give Online link (CLICK), then select Recurring Gifts under the My Giving section at the right side of a computer screen or at the bottom of a mobile device. To change the credit card information, select the card's last four digits in the "Card" column. Edit the card information and select "Update Payment" to save the changes. To change the amount, select the dollar value in the "Amount" column. Edit the amount and select "Change this Gift Amount" to save the change.
What do I do if I accidentally setup a recurring payment?

Other Ways to Give

In order to transfer stock to Sagemont Church you will need to contact your financial institution and provide them with the following information:

Wells Fargo Advisors
Sagemont Baptist Church
Account #: 7405-6352
DTC #: 0141

With this information the donor can request a stock transfer from their brokerage account to ours. However, one final thing needs to happen. The donor needs to contact the Sagemont Church finance department, Kim Rebresh, Finance Manager,    

  1. Name of Stock
  2. Number of Shares donated
  3. Preference, if any for allocation of funds

If you are 70½ and are required to take a minimum distribution from your IRA, please click on the link below to learn more about giving through a Qualified Charitable Distribution

What is a qualified charitable distribution?

Generally, a qualified charitable distribution is an otherwise taxable distribution from an IRA (other than an ongoing SEP or SIMPLE IRA) owned by an individual who is age 70½ or over that is paid directly from the IRA to a qualified charity. See Publication 590-B, Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) for additional information.

Can a qualified charitable distribution satisfy my required minimum distribution from an IRA?

Yes, your qualified charitable distributions can satisfy all or part of the amount of your required minimum distribution from your IRA. Each year, an IRA owner aged 70 ½ years or older when the distribution is made can exclude from gross income up to $100,000 of their QCDs. For a married couple, if both spouses are age 70 ½ years or older when the distributions are made and both have IRAs, each spouse can exclude up to $100,000 for a total of up to $200,000 per year.

How are qualified charitable distributions reported on Form 1099-R?

Charitable distributions are reported on Form 1099-R for the calendar year the distribution is made.

We at Sagemont Church want to provide some “layman friendly” estate planning information that can enable you to protect your family and be a wise steward of what He has entrusted you with.

So, grab a cup of coffee or tea, kick off your shoes and browse around. If you just want to get down to business, you can click on the PhilanthroCorp link and walk yourself through a tutorial/data gathering process (Estate Plan Organizer link). At the end, you can print it at home or ask for help. All of the information you log in is confidential. The Estate Plan Organizer does not ask for social security numbers or bank account numbers. No one will see your entries unless you submit at the end and ask for help.

In that case, one of our partners at PhilanthroCorp (a Christ-centered estate planning firm) will be in touch to serve you in any way they can. So, be blessed and make yourself at home!

Philanthrocorp - Estate Plan Organizer