For those in our Beside Mentoring Program, we have assembled some resources to assist you as mentor and mentee work together. We will be developing this page regularly, so check back often for more resources!
Have you spent daily time in God’s Word and in prayer this week?
What scripture most impacted your heart this week?
What relationships have you nurtured this week? (Parents, spouse, children, friends)
Have your thoughts been pure? Lustful, envious, prideful? Have you exposed yourself to explicit material?
Have your words encouraged, unified, torn down self/others? Have you participated in gossip? Did you lie or exaggerate?
Did you seek ways to share the gospel this week? Whose salvation are you praying for?
How are you coping with anxiety, depression, loneliness, fear?
Have you been diligent with your finances?
Did you allow any person or circumstance to rob you of your joy or have you been angry at anyone this week?
Have you kept your tongue in check this week? (cussing, gossip, making fun of someone, etc.)
Which fruit of the Spirit have you had the hardest time living out this week? Why?
Have you been a good steward of your time?
Have you taken good care of your body this week through sleep, exercise, diet?
Have you responded to conflict with humility?
What do you see as your number one need or struggle for this next week?
Did you struggle with a disappointment this week? How did you handle it?
Have you demonstrated a servant's heart? How so? What have you done for someone else this week?
In what ways has God blessed you this week? How have you shared your blessings?
Did you go and participate in church activities and worship this week? How so? Why not?
Huldah - 2 Chronicles 34 • Abigail - 1 Samuel 25:1-43 • Solomon - 1 Kings 3:6-28; 4:29-31
Sermons / Blogs / Articles:
The Promises of Wisdom • How to Teach Our Kids Wisdom
Wisdom series by Bible Project
Sermons / Blogs / Articles: • Emotional Intelligence Test • Physical Health & the Christian Life
Get Out of Your Head- By Jeannie Allen • Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking by Jon Acuff
Can Christians Struggle with Mental Health? Podcast
Pray Over Me - 31-days of praying God’s Word over your loved one
Male version pdf (to pray over husbands, sons, fathers, etc.)
Female version pdf (to pray over sisters, friends, mothers, etc.)
Focus on the Family • The 5 Love Languages
Romantic Relationships
A Marriage Without Regrets by Kay Arthur
Kiss Me Like You Mean It: Solomon’s Crazy-in-Love How-To Manual by Dr. David Clarke
Married But Lonely: Seven Steps You Can Take With or Without Your Spouse’s Help by Dr. David Clarke
Spouse in the House: Rearranging Our Attitudes to Make Room for Each Other
I Don’t Want a Divorce: A 90-Day Guide to Saving Your Marriage by Dr. David Clarke
Who Has Your Heart? The Single Woman’s Pursuit of Godliness by Emily E. Ryan
Charles H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David- Scroll down to vs 8- Jesus knew from experience the value of growing in favor with God!