What Parents should know about “Crack”
“Crack” or “rock” is an extremely potent and highly addictive form of cocaine. It is sold as pellet-sized “rocks” in tiny plastic vials for as little as $10. Smoked rather than snorted, a single hit of crack provides an intense wrenching rush in a matter of seconds.
Sold in tiny chips that give the user a five, to twenty minute high, crack often is purer than cocaine that is sniffed. When smoked, cocaine molecules reach the brain in less than 10 seconds. Crushing depression follows the resulting euphoric high.
The cycle of ups and downs reinforces the craving. While the typical heroin addict shoots up once or twice a day, a crack addict needs another hit within minutes. This means that even at $10 a chip, crack addiction can be more expensive than heroin.
Crack is an especially dangerous drug for the following reasons:
- It is extremely addictive. Crack addiction occurs in the following stages:
- Euphoria, stimulation, sexual excitement
- Sadness and depression
- Irritability, sleeplessness, paranoia
- Delusions, hallucinations, psychotic behavior
- Crack is very easy and inexpensive to make. Crack is a cottage industry that needs virtually no technology or central organization. Dealers, operating just above the retail level, frequently buy no more than a pound or two of cocaine at a time. The only equipment needed is a glass coffeepot, a hot plate, a pair of scales and a case of baking soda.
- The rapid spread of crack is removing all economic and social barriers. Its low cost has made it particularly appealing to adolescents.
- Crack is causing a serious increase in crime. Wherever it appears, it spawns vicious violence and a startling increase in robberies and other forms of crime.
As parents, we need to be aware of the danger of crack and other illicit drugs, as well as the warning signals that may indicate possible usage. Addiction to chemicals is often a tragic result of seeking temporary relief from emotional pain. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction, the Sagemont Counseling Center can
provide hope and healing. Call us at 281-481-8770, ext. 2763, for a confidential assessment.